
Basic Education: The party shall devote attention at the highest levels of government to the revival of the national education system with a view to achieving universal free primary and secondary education
Commence the spending of the accumulated revenue from the education tax,
Create more schools for girls in science and technology and encourage NGO’s to stimulate interest in scientific courses for women.
Make compulsory and free, primary and secondary education for all Nigeria children between the ages of 6and 18 years.
Ensure that funding of primary education is the responsibility of the Federal government while funding of secondary education should be the responsibility of the states with the exception of unity schools, which should be funded by the federal government. The curriculum content and delivery of public and private education institutions shall be standardized by the Labour Party to address presently existing discriminatory standards, particularly with the delivery of quality education. This would entail the strengthening of existing regulatory bodies and the establishment of a coordinating mechanism for these bodies.
Unity schools shall be developed as model schools. They shall remain public schools under a Labour Party government with both the Federal and state Governments making budgetary commitments for their funding.
Higher Education: The Party shall invest in teaching and research facilities in the technical colleges, polytechnics and universities as well as in student accommodation and welfare to provide a more conducive learning environment. Investment in the country’s educational sector would play a determinant role in the quality and quantity o human resources available to be mobilized for the country’s economic recovery and growth.
Encourage private sector to fund independent research institutions.
Improve the quality of Education management in tertiary institutions.
Provide grants, loans and scholarships for the needy and gifted students; provide basic infrastructure and support research