


Labour Party shall build integrated transport system, which shall ensure the harmonized utilization of road, and rail transport as well as inland water-ways and aviation for the speedy movement of persons, goods and services, necessary for national development.

Urban transport systems shall involve state government owned mass transit vehicles and corporately/individually owned buses, taxis. etc. which shall be dominant
The railway system shall be revived and modernized and the rail network expanded within five years to cover the entire country. Incentives would be given for corporate bodies to use the railway system in the place of trailers and trucks. this would also help to make the roads more durable and safer
Inland waterways would be developed and the ferry system made veritable, using the rivers and creeks in the country for transport purposes.
The aviation sector needs to be overhauled. This process would involve strict standards setting and ensuring that all players in the aviation sector uphold them. The Labour Party would as well establish a public sector-owned national carrier which shall have a domestic pattern of ownership
Launch new investment in strategic/targeted industries i.e. rubber and rubber products, leather and leather products, footwear, basic chemicals, petrol-chemicals, building materials, etc with selective time bound protection of local industries and review of tariff policy to enable selective and time-bound protection of local manufacturing industries, especially those in the targeted sectors, Review tariffs to stimulate local industries and foster competitiveness of products to targeted industries in the international market.
Privatization: The Party shall avoid doctrinaire approach to privatization. Public enterprise privatization, where at all considered necessary, must be based on a process-driven consent of Nigerian citizens especially those working in the concerned enterprises and whose welfare must be guaranteed. Thus, privatization as an alternative must be undertaken side-by-side with the establishment of adequate regulatory institutions that would safeguard consumer and employee interest and ensure that the big public enterprise also plays the role of responsible corporate citizens. For Privatization to be justifiable it must be transparent and geared towards building a socially inclusive society and not a widening of the gulf between the rich and the poor, the haves and the haves-not. The Labour Party shall thus meticulously go through the privatization process in Nigeria within six months of coming to power. This would be with a view to ascertaining: the ownership of the privatized enterprises; the transparency and genuineness of the sales process; the extent.to which such privatization led to job creation.
Central Bank: The Party shall avoid a re occurrence of the depletion of the national treasury by irresponsible government interference by giving the Central Bank of Nigeria a full autonomy in its operations. In this light, it shall be relieved of commercial bank functions the Central Bank of Nigeria under Labour Party will thus revert to its functions as the bankers’ bank for enhanced efficiency in executing its traditional roles.
External Revenue: The Party shall ensure the. Central Bank of Nigeria should be proactive and imaginative in the management of our Foreign Reserves.
Poverty Eradication: The Party shall pursue poverty eradication programme more systematically and patriotically, with economic empowerment and the realization of the promise of greater employment, the vicious phenomenon of poverty, which makes the electorate susceptible to corrupt, will be broken.
Micro-Credits: The Party shall set up a microcredit system to assist the unemployed and retrenched workers to set up small and medium scale enterprises that would help to tackle both pervasive poverty and growing unemployment.
Efficient Civil Service For Service Delivery: The Party will institute a reward system that motivates productivity as well as guarantees decent living in retirement for the state bureaucracy, within the context of the financial resources of the nation
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