
Press Briefing By Prince Kennedy Ahanotu, Ag. National Youth Leader Of Labour Party (LP) During A Pre-Election Press Conference In Abuja On February 19th, 2023

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  • Press Briefing By Prince Kennedy Ahanotu, Ag. National Youth Leader Of Labour Party (LP) During A Pre-Election Press Conference In Abuja On February 19th, 2023
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Ladies and gentlemen, my fellow Nigerian Youths,

I stand before you today as a proud Nigerian, Ag. National Youth Leader of our Labour Party under the capable leadership of Barr Julius Abure fielding the foremost likeable Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates Mr Peter Obi and Dr Datti Baba Ahmed (Obi-Datti) in the upcoming general election on February 25th, 2023. As we approach this historic moment, I wish with all sense of duty to speak to the Obidients/youths of our great nation who have been at the forefront of the struggle for a new Nigeria and who are passionate about bringing Mr Peter Obi presidency.

Obviously, efforts of the Four Persons without structure tweeting in a room have been felt even on the roof tops of virtually all the household across Nigeria with strong echoes world over. So far the Obidients have shown much capacity, exerted so much energy and have worked so hard to prove that a new Nigeria is POssible with Mr Peter Obi and Dr Datti Baba Ahmed. The massive acceptance by Nigerians and the electorates have further deepened our collective resolve to take back our country from those who have mismanaged our common wealth and have cowed the giant of Africa.

On this note and having had a very excellent campaign across the country, un-behalf of Nigerian Youths I want to specially thank some of our elderly statesmen whose endorsement of our preferred Labour Party Presidential Candidate have further emboldened us to fight for our future. The list is endless but few among them includes our father Baba Olusegun Obasanjo, Pa Ayo Adebanjo, Sir Edwin Clarke, Chief (Dr) Chukwuemeka Ezeife, Gov. Samuel Ortom of Benue State, Ohanaeze Ndigbo, Ijaw Council, PANDEF, Afenifere Groups, Arewa Groups, Middle Belt Forums and so many support groups both home and in the diaspora. Consequently we take the silence of some key stakeholders as an endorsement of credibility above mediocrity.

We also thank Gov Nyeson Wike and G-5 group for re-patterning political participation and for reflecting a sustainable form of integrity for equity sake. We thank INEC for responding to our call for extension of PVC collection date and we hope they play a neutral role of an umpire in the coming elections; and we also thank the Federal Government through the National Universities Commission (NUC) and National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) for declaring school closure for tertiary students to participate in the coming election. We cannot neglect the efforts of security agencies but we anticipate their neutral professional conduct to support true democracy come 25th February, 2023.

I want to use this press conference to specially appeal to our youths protesting across the country as a result of bad governance, naira re-design crunch and fuel scarcity to please stop damaging government and corporate organization properties. It’s important we don’t get distracted in the build up to 25th February, 2023 which is the day of protest with our PVCs. Let’s take our resentment to the polling units and massively vote out bad leaders.

For too long, we have suffered under the yoke of corruption, insecurity, unemployment, poverty, and underdevelopment. We have seen our dreams shattered and our hopes dashed by the very leaders who were supposed to serve us. We have been left behind by a system that cares more about lining the pockets of the elite than lifting up the masses. Inspiringly, the future of our beloved nation lies in our hands, and I believe that with your VOTE, we can take back our country, build a Nigeria that is free from epileptic power, poor healthcare, banditry, terrorism, food insecurity, unemployment, lawlessness, unpaid salaries, workers strike, and all the other challenges that have plagued us for this long.

To the women and youth of Nigeria, I say this: As the backbone of our society, you have suffered under the past and current government when you deserve better. You are the ones who have borne the brunt of unemployment, poverty, out-of-school children, and academic strikes. You are the ones who have been victims of police brutality and election violence. You are the ones who have struggled to access legal tender and transact business in the face of new monetary policies. Mothers has become widows because of senseless attacks on security formations and communities. You are the ones who have suffered under petrol scarcity, bad roads, and non-payment of salaries. You are the ones who have lived in fear of bandits and violent attacks on farmers and women in your communities. You are the ones who have borne the brunt of the failures of our past leaders. You are the ones who have been left behind and left out. But most importantly, you are also the ones who have the power to change things. You are the ones who can make a huge difference.

The Labour party sees you, hears you, and understands you. You are not alone in all this travail. We know that you have been used as tools by politicians in the past, but we are not like them. We do not believe in violence, we do not believe in vote-buying, and we do not believe in election rigging. We believe in the power of your voice, your vote, and your determination to create a new Nigeria.

The choice before you is clear: beside the failed PDAPC you have the choice to vote for the LP, which offers you a new Nigeria, a Nigeria that is built on the foundation of character we can trust, competence and capacity based on track record, vision and antecedents. So I urge you, my fellow Nigerians, especially women and youths who have been most affected by the challenges we face, to vote Obi – Datti of LP. Labour Party under Obi – Datti presidency cares about your future. We have a plan, we have the policies, and we have the passion to deliver a new Nigeria to you.

Labour Party’s plan for a new Nigeria under Obi-Datti presidency is simple, but powerfully innovative. We will create jobs for the unemployed, we will lift people out of poverty, we will give every child a chance to go to school, we will end academic strikes and support our tertiary institutions, we will end police brutality, we will provide access to legal tender and support business growth, we will end petrol scarcity, we will build better infrastructures, we will ensure that workers are paid on time, we will end banditry and violent attacks on farmers and women in their communities, and we will make Nigeria a better place for all of us.

Labour party vision under Obi – Datti presidency for a new Nigeria is clear: a Nigeria that is free from corruption, where the rule of law is upheld, where our economy is thriving, where our infrastructure is first-class, where our people are healthy and educated, and where our communities are safe and secure. We know that this is a big task, but we also know that it is Possible with your vote. We need your help. Come out en-masse and vote for the Labour Party LP on Saturday 25th, February, 2023.

As National Youth Leader, I urge you to shun violence and to resist being used as tools by desperate politicians. We know that some of our opponents will stop at nothing to cause chaos, but we cannot allow them to drag us down to their level. We must remain peaceful, vigilant, and resolute. If you witness any electoral violence, please report it to the electoral commission, security agencies, and health emergency services if any voter is injured. We need to work together to create the new Nigeria that we all deserve. We must be focused without timidly responding to those who may ferment violence to scuttle our efforts because this opportunity is the best and only chance we have to take back our country. Hence I urge all Nigerian Youths and Students to maintain peace but not to a point of foolishness as Nigeria belongs to all of us, and no Nigerian is more Nigerian than another.

I wish to call our security agencies to arrest and parade publicly any individual no matter how highly placed who commits any electoral crime including bullying of the electorates. This election is very important for the survival of Nigeria and Nigerians anticipate neutral, non-partisan professional conduct in support of true democracy comes 25th February, 2023.

In conclusion, I want to remind you of the words of Martin Luther King Jr., who said, “The time is always right to do what is right.” The time is right for us to do what is right for our nation, for our future, and for ourselves. Let us stand together, let us vote for Obi-Datti of the Labour party, and let us build a new Nigeria.

Finally, my fellow Nigerians, we stand at a crossroads in our history. We can choose to continue with the failed policies of the past, or we can choose to build a new Nigeria, a Nigeria that works for all. I want to urge you to resist the temptation of vote-buying. It is a corrupt and illegal practice that undermines the integrity of our elections. Your vote is your power, and no one should be able to buy it from you. No amount given at the polling unit can sustain you the next 4 years; hence vote for Mr Peter Obi and Dr Datti Baba Ahmed of Labour Party.

For this particular election, we have faith in your patriotism and your commitment to a better Nigeria. We have run the race of campaigns, we have fought the battles and now WE LEAVE IT IN YOUR HANDS come Saturday. As victory stares, I await our celebration together on 26th February, 2023 by God’s grace.

Thank you, and God bless Nigeria Youths. Vote Labout Party (LP), Mama – Papa – Pikin

Prince Kennedy Ahanotu

Ag. Nat Youth Leader,

Labour Party (LP).

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