
Party Vision

Party Vision

The Labour Party will demonstrate that it is still possible to form and conduct the affairs of a political party on identifiable ideology, i.e. progressive issue- based politics.

Therefore, we boldly affirm that the Party’s principles, objectives and character shall be unreservedly rooted in the ideology Social Democracy. Consequently, the vision of the Labour Party is to urgently transform all facets of the Nigerian nation with a view to:

Ensure job-led growth and transform the economy.
Overcome under development, vicious backwardness and the paradox of poverty in a wealthy Nation.
Redress the extremes of affluence and deprivation
Guarantee social justice for all
Cultivate a new Nigerian and African Personality.
Build a knowledge-based society.
To achieve the above Labour Party shall concretely translate Social Justice to include:
Economic empowerment of all Nigerians
Full employment
Social security for the aged, the unemployed and the deprived. Equitable income redistribution and general well-being.
Ensure access to standard education at all levels irrespective of the social status of parents and students by dismantling the existing “apartheid” differentials in standard between private and public schools.
Achieve equal opportunities for all Nigerians irrespective of gender, religion and state of origin.
Facilitate the re-emergence of a formidable fulfilled and expanding middle class. Implement a special Development Plan to develop Niger- Delta Area. Build a development-oriented nation in which governance and public policies address the challenges of underdevelopment and facilitate the emergence of a modern industrial economy.
Ensure public and private sector partnership such that public and private sector are complementary and play competitive roles as engines of development and growth.
Halt the alienation of the masses from the political process and from the national wealth ... Halt the monopoly of politics and governance by the money class.
Accord respect to traditional institutions, traditional’ rulers and culture.
Deepen democracy and democratic process.

The Labour Party is conscious of the fact that the challenges of transformation are daunting. However, inspired by the heritage of struggle, sacrifice and resilience of Nigerian people and drawing on global experiences with the full support of the dynamic base of the Party transformation would be a reality sooner than expected.